My original passion in photography was capturing images of great natural beauty. It all started back in high school when I spent a month backpacking through the Sierra Mountains of California. I was truly amazed by the landscapes that were constantly before my eyes - rugged mountains, silky waterfalls, pastel sunsets. I photographed it all, so eager to be able to share with my family and friends how breathtaking it all was. Of course I just figured I could point my camera and fire away and everything I saw would translate exactly on to film (this was back in the day, years away from digital). As I learned after getting home and poring over the slides I shot, I was sorely mistaken. The pictures just didn't do justice to the beauty I had seen, and I was sufficiently motivated to make sure that would not be the case in the future. My photography career was born. I wanted to continue to travel and see new things and new places and be able to accurately display everything through my photographs. And that's what I've been dedicating my time to. Now, I want to share my images with everyone. From little frogs in Georgia to delicate wildflowers in Vermont and wonderous landscapes in Utah, you can check out my nature work at www.pictage.com/619464. Enjoy.

I think you would have a blast checking out Red Rock in Nevada. Crazy landscapes, just crazy.